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Bulgarian lev exchange rate – BGN/PLN

The Bulgarian lev is the official currency of Bulgaria, denoted by the symbol лв and the official abbreviation BGN. Bulgaria's economy is mainly based on the energy sector, agriculture and tourism. The health of these areas has a very strong influence on the exchange rate of the Bulgarian lev.

Check the current exchange rate


Best offer in Walutomat

2,1371 PLN


Best offer in Walutomat

2,1535 PLN

Average worldwide exchange rate question mark

Forex quotations

2,1453 PLN

Exchange rate chart

Last exchanges

Last exchange transactions

How long ago Exchange rate Amount
2025-02-18 14:02 2,1371 421,13 BGN
2025-01-15 22:20 2,1885 456,93 BGN
2025-01-14 07:01 2,1896 50,10 BGN
2025-01-05 14:48 2,1873 6,52 BGN
2024-12-30 10:46 2,1846 320,42 BGN
2024-12-28 21:11 2,1915 136,89 BGN

Total sum of exchanges in the last 10 days

Day Total sum of concluded transactions
2025-03-21 0,00 BGN
2025-03-20 0,00 BGN
2025-03-19 0,00 BGN
2025-03-18 0,00 BGN
2025-03-17 0,00 BGN
2025-03-14 0,00 BGN
2025-03-13 0,00 BGN
2025-03-12 0,00 BGN
2025-03-11 0,00 BGN
2025-03-10 0,00 BGN

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Bulgarian lev – history of the currency

The Bulgarian lev came into circulation in 1881, following independence from the Ottoman Empire as a result of the Treaty of Berlin held in 1878. Bulgaria's currency has no direct predecessor. In the past, the Russian rouble, Austrian guilders or Ottoman coins, among others, were used in the area. The Bulgarian lev was initially pegged to the French franc as part of the Latin Monetary Union, which was intended to give it stability and help build the young state. Bulgaria's first currency crisis occurred after the Balkan Wars (1912-1913), which had a severe impact on the country's economy, mainly due to war spending. Later, like many other countries after the I and II World Wars, it struggled with inflation. It ended up in the Eastern Bloc, where communist governments introduced a planned economy, which affected the stability of the left. The costs of the war and the resulting heavy debt led to the destabilisation of the Bulgarian lev. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Bulgaria's currency was visibly weakened due to hyperinflation. At the end of the 20th century, the Bulgarian lev was denominated at a rate of 1:1000. Since then, it has been pegged to the German mark and then to the European currency – the euro. This state of affairs persists to this day.


Bulgarian lev – information about the currency

1 Bulgarian lev is divided into 100 stotinki, the sign of which is ст. The name of the currency refers directly to the lion, which is the national symbol of Bulgaria. The coins in circulation are 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 stotinki and 1 and 2 leva. Banknotes, on the other hand, have denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 leva. All of them are issued by the Bulgarian Mint. On the obverses of the stotinki we will only see their value and the year of issue, while the reverses show the Madara Rider. In the case of the leva coins, the Bulgarian coat of arms, the crowned lion is depicted on the reverse against a heraldic shield. The front of the banknotes features important figures associated with Bulgarian history. These include the Bulgarian scientist – Petyr Beron (10 BGN), considered to be the founder of the country, the first Prime Minister Stefan Stambolov (20 BGN) or the legendary Bulgarian modernist poet – Penczo Slavejkov (50 BGN). In the case of 20 BGN and 50 BGN, the back of the banknotes is decorated with quotes from the figures on the front of the banknote.