Danish crown exchange rates - DKK/PLN
Check the current exchange rate of Danish crown
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Average worldwide Danish crown exchange rate
The average market rate is provided for information purposes, it tells us whether the exchange rate for a given currency is going down or up. It comes from the Forex decentralized foreign exchange market.
Forex quotations
DKK exchange rate chart
Actual offers
The presented amounts are the total value of offers waiting to be exchanged at the specified rate.
You can buy any part of the amount offered. If you want to exchange a higher amount, choose the next most advantageous offer.
Purchase DKK - Danish crown
12 – offers of buying DKK
Sale rate |
Total amount
Waiting since |
0,5650 | 24,23 DKK | 2025-03-06 22:26 |
0,5660 | 10 000,00 DKK | 2025-03-10 14:25 |
0,5690 | 12 707,35 DKK | 2025-03-13 07:48 |
0,5698 | 30 964,49 DKK | 2025-03-13 17:10 |
0,5725 | 10 000,00 DKK | 2025-01-16 08:04 |
0,5759 | 500,00 DKK | 2024-12-07 06:55 |
0,5830 | 578,89 DKK | 2024-12-19 07:56 |
0,5899 | 5 150,00 DKK | 2024-11-05 07:00 |
0,5900 | 47,18 DKK | 2025-01-29 15:05 |
0,6231 | 1 730,04 DKK | 2024-08-21 09:02 |
0,6290 | 100,00 DKK | 2024-01-16 07:28 |
0,6300 | 500,00 DKK | 2023-05-10 09:05 |
No offers existing |
The presented amounts are the total value of offers waiting to be exchanged at the specified rate.
You can buy any part of the amount offered. If you want to exchange a higher amount, choose the next most advantageous offer.
Sale DKK - Danish crown
3 – offers of selling DKK
Purchase rate |
Total amount
Waiting since |
0,5600 | 6 733,44 DKK | 2025-03-20 05:43 |
0,5400 | 10,00 DKK | 2025-02-03 15:38 |
0,5000 | 1,01 DKK | 2025-01-10 09:40 |
No offers existing |
Last exchanges
Last DKK / PLN exchange transactions
How long ago | Exchange rate | Amount |
2025-03-19 15:27 | 0,5588 | 10 000,00 DKK |
2025-03-17 07:08 | 0,5588 | 8 000,00 DKK |
2025-03-17 05:31 | 0,5591 | 2 000,00 DKK |
2025-03-15 09:08 | 0,5589 | 2 000,00 DKK |
2025-03-14 11:27 | 0,5615 | 130 193,95 DKK |
2025-03-14 11:20 | 0,5577 | 10 000,00 DKK |
2025-03-13 11:21 | 0,5610 | 1 000,00 DKK |
2025-03-08 13:03 | 0,5574 | 32 410,84 DKK |
2025-03-08 13:03 | 0,5574 | 7 589,16 DKK |
2025-03-07 08:41 | 0,5609 | 152 504,40 DKK |
Total sum of exchanges in the last 10 days
Day | Total sum of concluded transactions |
2025-03-21 | 0,00 DKK |
2025-03-20 | 0,00 DKK |
2025-03-19 | 10 000,00 DKK |
2025-03-18 | 0,00 DKK |
2025-03-17 | 10 000,00 DKK |
2025-03-15 | 2 000,00 DKK |
2025-03-14 | 140 193,95 DKK |
2025-03-13 | 1 000,00 DKK |
2025-03-12 | 0,00 DKK |
2025-03-11 | 0,00 DKK |
Notification about a change of the Danish average rate
The average exchange rate (Forex) is informative and comes from the interbank currency exchange.
The exchanges on the Walutomat website depend on the users' offers.
Current average rate
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Danish crown – history of the currency
The Danish crown is issued by the National Bank of Denmark, which was established in 1818 and was operated for a time as a private institution that gained the right to issue Danish currency. However, the DKK as an official means of payment was introduced in 1873, when Denmark joined the Scandinavian Monetary Union, which lasted until the end of World War I. This is why the currencies in the three member states (Denmark, Norway and Sweden) are called crown. The exchange rate of the Danish crown, was initially pegged to gold for some time, but unfortunately the situation changed through the global economic crisis. Then, during the world’s second major armed conflict, Denmark’s currency was pegged to the German mark and, after the war, to the British pound. The Bretton Woods system pegged the DKK to the US dollar a few years later, but after it collapsed the Danish crown exchange rate was no longer stable.

Danish crown – information about the currency
Like all Scandinavian crowns, 1 Danish crown is divided into 100 øre. However, the lowest denominations of DKK coins are slowly disappearing from circulation – only the 50 øre coin is currently in circulation. The current coin denominations are DKK 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20. Those with the lowest values look very interesting. The first three values of DKK coins have a hole in the middle, which helps the blind to identify the denomination. They are also distinguished by the silver colour and ornaments with traditional Scandinavian motifs. The DKK currency on the higher denominations of the coins depicts the current Queen Margrethe II of Denmark – her profile can be found on the DKK 10 and 20 coins. The current series of Danish banknotes has been issued since 2009 and they depict major archaeological sites and bridges from different eras in Denmark. The current Danish crown banknotes have a modern look and a number of security features against counterfeiting. There are banknotes in circulation with the following values: DKK 50, DKK 100, DKK 200, DKK 500 and DKK 1000. Each one is different in colour and size.
Although Denmark belongs to the European Union structures, it is not obliged to introduce the euro at the expense of the Danish crown. During the accession to the European community the authorities negotiated such conditions for themselves. However, in 2000 a referendum was organized, during which 53.2% of Danes rejected the idea of giving up the Danish crown for the common European currency.
Check the Danish crown exchange rate
The Danish crown exchange rate usually does not show much volatility on the charts. The DKK currency is important for expats and tourists. If you are going to Denmark, check before leaving how much does the Danish crown cost. The new currency on our website is a way to meet our clients’ expectations. On the website we present charts that are updated every few minutes and show the current price of DKK. If you want to check how the price for a pair of DKK/PLN looks in our service, take a look at the tables of current offers. Stay up to date and exchange Danish crown at the best rate.
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