Check the current exchange rate of EUR

EUR purchase

Best offer in Walutomat

0,9405 CHF

EUR sales

Best offer in Walutomat

0,9427 CHF

Average worldwide exchange rate question mark

Forex quotations

0,9421 CHF

EUR exchange rate chart

Actual offers

Purchase EUR

37 – offers of buying EUR

Sale rate Total amount bell Waiting since
0,9430 4 090,15 EUR 2025-02-19 15:27
0,9431 17 298,41 EUR 2025-02-19 15:27
0,9432 4 143,16 EUR 2025-02-19 15:20
0,9433 1 188,71 EUR 2025-02-19 15:27
0,9445 423,66 EUR 2025-02-19 14:27
0,9447 259,03 EUR 2025-02-17 18:02
0,9449 5 000,00 EUR 2025-02-17 07:48
0,9450 3 228,43 EUR 2025-02-17 14:47
0,9471 44,60 EUR 2025-02-14 06:59
0,9496 1 737,07 EUR 2025-02-13 14:08
0,9500 200,00 EUR 2025-02-13 11:06
0,9520 44,60 EUR 2025-02-13 06:56
0,9548 1 357,64 EUR 2025-02-08 13:02
0,9550 10 000,00 EUR 2025-02-07 10:28
0,9599 750,00 EUR 2025-02-02 15:47
0,9605 100,00 EUR 2025-01-23 08:41
0,9798 500,00 EUR 2024-07-07 07:35
0,9799 1 000,00 EUR 2024-06-05 10:51
0,9925 514,30 EUR 2024-06-03 19:08
0,9950 1 000,00 EUR 2024-05-23 09:58

Sell EUR

25 – offers of selling EUR

Purchase rate Total amount bell Waiting since
0,9405 36,99 EUR 2025-02-19 15:20
0,9378 8 065,18 EUR 2025-02-19 15:27
0,9372 2 161,76 EUR 2025-02-19 15:27
0,9371 455,40 EUR 2025-02-13 14:09
0,9370 10 000,00 EUR 2025-02-11 15:51
0,9301 219,91 EUR 2025-02-12 18:53
0,9300 2 440,01 EUR 2025-01-23 17:05
0,9298 60,00 EUR 2025-02-06 14:23
0,9260 3 000,00 EUR 2025-01-02 19:49
0,9254 60,00 EUR 2025-01-10 08:49
0,9230 60,23 EUR 2024-11-21 11:14
0,9226 890,00 EUR 2024-08-05 07:20
0,9201 1 000,00 EUR 2024-10-31 05:31
0,9200 13 500,00 EUR 2023-08-29 19:44
0,9154 60,00 EUR 2024-11-22 12:18
0,9100 4 500,00 EUR 2022-06-07 06:07
0,9000 6 200,00 EUR 2022-06-17 07:46
0,8900 5 405,71 EUR 2024-11-22 11:38
0,8600 2 495,00 EUR 2025-02-17 08:46
0,8500 1 500,00 EUR 2022-06-17 14:46
Sell EUR

Last exchanges

Last EUR / CHF exchange transactions

How long ago Exchange rate Amount
2025-02-19 14:36 0,9378 766,43 EUR
2025-02-19 14:36 0,9406 33,57 EUR
2025-02-19 13:42 0,9428 2 375,90 EUR
2025-02-19 13:16 0,9439 3 019,38 EUR
2025-02-19 12:42 0,9437 2 119,31 EUR
2025-02-19 11:34 0,9430 106,04 EUR
2025-02-19 09:55 0,9424 15,00 EUR
2025-02-19 06:53 0,9385 290,00 EUR
2025-02-18 20:07 0,9445 2 620,60 EUR
2025-02-18 17:32 0,9439 26,48 EUR

Total sum of exchanges in the last 10 days

Day Total sum of concluded transactions
2025-02-19 8 725,63 EUR
2025-02-18 115 693,78 EUR
2025-02-17 97 243,27 EUR
2025-02-16 646,19 EUR
2025-02-15 3 776,95 EUR
2025-02-14 145 647,46 EUR
2025-02-13 190 133,65 EUR
2025-02-12 23 011,01 EUR
2025-02-11 21 139,14 EUR
2025-02-10 69 025,01 EUR

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New EUR/CHF exchange offers

Since January 2015, the EUR/CHF exchange rate has virtually remained at the 1.2 level. The Swiss National Bank made the decision to abolish the minimum CHF/EUR exchange rate. Now, as in the case of other currencies, you need to pay attention to the exchange rates. Walutomat’s online exchange market allows you to put up an offer to sell or purchase francs and euro according to the expected prices. To check the CHF to euro exchange rate, use the information from Walutomat’s website. You can easily learn the price of franc, euro, or any other currency. You will immediately know the offers with EUR/CHF exchange rate in our system. Register and take advantage of attractive exchange offers.