Check the current exchange rate of GBP

GBP purchase

Best offer in Walutomat

1,2630 USD

GBP sales

Best offer in Walutomat

1,2643 USD

Average worldwide exchange rate question mark

Forex quotations

1,2632 USD

GBP exchange rate chart

Actual offers

Purchase GBP

24 – offers of buying GBP

Sale rate Total amount bell Waiting since
1,2643 4 199,10 GBP 2025-02-27 15:30
1,2646 2 271,88 GBP 2025-02-27 15:30
1,2695 0,01 GBP 2025-02-24 13:18
1,2696 6 761,92 GBP 2025-02-27 15:30
1,2701 5 000,00 GBP 2025-02-26 16:47
1,2704 800,00 GBP 2025-02-25 23:33
1,2740 1 900,00 GBP 2025-02-20 20:05
1,2827 93,50 GBP 2025-01-23 20:31
1,2828 998,00 GBP 2025-01-02 14:42
1,2890 2 950,61 GBP 2025-02-14 10:31
1,2988 92,00 GBP 2025-01-23 20:33
1,2989 1 000,00 GBP 2024-11-19 16:19
1,2999 2 092,00 GBP 2025-01-23 20:35
1,3000 4 162,39 GBP 2024-12-17 08:56
1,3040 52,32 GBP 2024-12-05 14:55
1,3400 500,00 GBP 2024-10-23 10:27
1,3450 89,00 GBP 2024-09-02 19:28
1,3499 3 000,00 GBP 2025-01-14 15:02
1,3500 88,50 GBP 2024-07-14 22:13
1,3550 88,50 GBP 2024-09-02 19:29

Sell GBP

19 – offers of selling GBP

Purchase rate Total amount bell Waiting since
1,2630 6 320,06 GBP 2025-02-27 14:32
1,2621 4 703,97 GBP 2025-02-27 13:59
1,2620 1 029,63 GBP 2025-02-27 15:30
1,2345 1 558,46 GBP 2025-02-27 15:30
1,2342 1 234,20 GBP 2025-02-14 13:43
1,2340 1 122,00 GBP 2025-02-12 17:26
1,2201 122,01 GBP 2025-02-03 17:01
1,2160 9 110,00 GBP 2025-01-20 10:00
1,2155 53,51 GBP 2025-02-24 20:45
1,2152 121,52 GBP 2025-02-03 17:00
1,2151 1 221,95 GBP 2025-01-14 13:36
1,2101 120,00 GBP 2023-12-01 04:53
1,2050 120,50 GBP 2025-01-13 07:14
1,2003 120,00 GBP 2023-11-20 17:11
1,1948 119,48 GBP 2024-04-19 14:53
1,1901 119,01 GBP 2025-01-13 07:12
1,1801 118,01 GBP 2025-01-13 07:12
1,1704 117,04 GBP 2025-01-13 07:13
1,0004 70,00 GBP 2017-10-30 12:21
Sell GBP

Last exchanges

Last GBP / CHF exchange transactions

How long ago Exchange rate Amount
2025-02-27 11:54 1,2665 830,72 GBP
2025-02-27 11:03 1,2672 4 216,51 GBP
2025-02-27 07:59 1,2655 500,00 GBP
2025-02-26 22:10 1,2669 847,51 GBP
2025-02-26 17:28 1,2677 0,01 GBP
2025-02-26 17:27 1,2677 887,58 GBP
2025-02-26 17:20 1,2679 0,01 GBP
2025-02-26 17:14 1,2679 890,24 GBP
2025-02-26 16:11 1,2695 1 995,99 GBP
2025-02-26 16:11 1,2690 0,01 GBP

Total sum of exchanges in the last 10 days

Day Total sum of concluded transactions
2025-02-27 5 547,23 GBP
2025-02-26 25 419,92 GBP
2025-02-25 9 472,48 GBP
2025-02-24 83 939,92 GBP
2025-02-23 100,00 GBP
2025-02-22 3 314,68 GBP
2025-02-21 15 327,38 GBP
2025-02-20 27 461,02 GBP
2025-02-19 25 690,30 GBP
2025-02-18 11 662,35 GBP

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Dollar and pound – quick exchange on the online market

You can get an attractive exchange price when directly exchanging pounds to dollars. Check the current dollar/pound exchange rate and compare it with offers available in Walutomat. At the top of the page, you can see the average Forex pound/dollar exchange rate and a list of our customers’ offers. This noticeable difference comes from the fact that our customers act independently and they can decide on the exchange rate. This way online currency exchange allows you to get a better price when exchanging pounds to dollars. By exchanging currencies directly and using the exchange market, you save your time and get a price that no online exchange office could offer. Choose a current dollar/pound exchange rate and create your own offer in Walutomat.