Homepage > Help > Banks and transfers > Is it possible to deposit funds at Walutomat by card?

Is it possible to deposit funds at Walutomat by card?

Yes, by card payment you can deposit in: PLN, EUR, GBP and USD. In the case of CZK, DKK, NOK, SEK currencies, card payments are not possible.

At the moment, we accept deposits from cards held in countries such as:

AD Andorra GB Great Britain MO Macao
AE United Arab Emirates GE Georgia MT Malta
AL. Albania GR Greece MX Mexico
AT Austria GI Gibraltar NL Netherlands
AU Australia HK Hong Kong NO Norway
AZ Azerbaijan HR Croatia NZ New Zealand
BE Belgium HU Hungary PL Poland
BG Bulgaria IE Ireland PT Portugal
BH Bahrain IL Israel RO Romania
CA Canada IN India SE Sweden
CH China (Taiwan) IS Iceland SG Singapore
CN China IT Italy SI Slovenia
CV Cape Verde JP Japan SK Slovakia
CY Cyprus LI Liechtenstein SM San Marino
CZ Czech Republic LT Lithuania TR Turkey
DE Germany LU Luxembourg UA Ukraine
DK Denmark LV Latvia ZA Republic of South Africa
EE Estonia MC Monaco    
ES Spain MD Moldova    
FI Finland ME Montenegro    
FR France MK Macedonia    


Deposits from countries outside the list will not be processed. Walutomat is not responsible for costs and commissions charged by the bank for unrealised deposits.

Payment by card is only available to verified Users who have at least one deposit booked from a bank account or by quick and convenient transfer (pay-by-link).

Customers deciding to deposit funds by card will be redirected to the website of the payment operator Przelewy24. All they then need to do is enter in the relevant fields: 16-digit card number, card expiry date, first and last name, three-digit CVV code from the card’s reverse side.

The operator will charge a small service fee for using this option.

The sum of payment card deposits in a calendar month cannot exceed the equivalent of EUR 15,000. Maximum single limit EUR 2,500.